Master Black Belts realized that if they were ever going to get management to fully support Lean/Six Sigma they would have to get a lot better at influencing key stakeholders.

The Challenge

Master Black Belts faced a challenge. They needed get much better at persuading people to apply Six Sigma in their manufacturing environments.

The Opportunity

The Master Black Belts knew the theories and had the tools down cold. If they could increase their ability to influence leaders in their company, they could then apply all the knowledge of effective ways to apply Six Sigma.

The Results

I adapted my Theater of Resistance workshop for them. For two solid days we applied theater improv techniques to the challenges facing them. You could see the ability to influence increase by the second day. Over the coming months our clients reported back that these two days were the most significant in their training – and that their ability to influence was a critical factor in their successful working with leaders.

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